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As a qualified Health Coach on the EAP platform Clearhead, Olivia is now available to support corporate clients nationally.

Individualised support through EAP-provider, Clearhead

“There are many barriers that prevent people from seeking help. It can be difficult to know where to start, or how to reach out. Long wait times and the cost of specialist help can also make it inaccessible.

Clearhead is about reducing those barriers. Clearhead's commitment to serving others and providing a system that is truly accessible to everyone is at the heart of what we do. Designed on the understanding that one-size does not fit all, we put choice, convenience and control back in the hands of the consumer.

Clearhead has built an ecosystem that moulds itself around our users to provide a holistic approach to identifying, understanding, and guiding individuals through their overall mental wellbeing.

With courage and imagination, Clearhead is on a mission to change the way people proactively think about their mental health and how they get the help they need.

Nail My Health offers you the opportunity to access your wellness program through an EAP provider.

HCANZA accredited, PREKURE trained.

Olivia Stubbs is a qualified and practising health coach who is passionate about empowering individuals in this client-centred model. She works to implement and support a personalised health plan through her business, Nail My Health.